Wednesday, December 23, 2009


One 8 GB ipod touch ($193.99 at Walmart) = a sheep, a goat, and two ducks to feed a family in a third world country ($192.00)

One Chi hair straightener ($99.99 at Target) = a small business loan for a woman in a developing country ($100.00), which helps that woman provide for herself and her family and provides an alternative to prostitution.

One Nintendo Wii ($199.99 at Target) = $1000 dollars worth of food aid in Africa ($200.00)

Today it dawned on me that one ipod, hair straightener, or Nintendo gadget is a lot of chickens, business loans or a even a well that can provide clean water for a family struggling against the oppression of poverty. Isn't that crazy?

What if we, as a generation, refused the many calls of our materialistic culture and said, "NO! I don't want your junk anymore!"? I think people would think we were crazy, but it's worth a shot. Crazy people usually get more attention anyways. Let's be different! Let's go against the grain of our culture. I want to encourage you guys to ask for something that promotes nutrition or health for someone who lacks it on every birthday and Christmas. Especially Christmas, and here's why:

Christ came to earth to confront the evil of sin head on and die for us. We often think of evil as a diabolical character in a Disney movie or as a terrorist who kills innocent people. Yes, that is evil. BUT we tend to overlook the evils of hunger, sickness and oppression. That's the kind of evil that makes my skin crawl. So, if we follow the example of Christ's gift to us, it is imperative that our gifts challenge the evil in the world as well.

Here are some ideas:

*Have those attending your birthday party bring target gift cards, and donate half of them to charity

*Ask people to bring donations for something that you're passionate about (animal shelter, children's charity, World Vision) when they attend your party

*Ask for items to be bought in your name through World Vision

*Ask for gifts that support organizations like Invisible Children or Branded

*Ask for a pair of TOMS shoes

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