Monday, July 12, 2010

Yvonne's experience on DREAM

I was blessed by being able to go with this group down to the Dream Center on Saturday. It was a great day and so many things inspired me. First and foremost the kids that were on this trip with us are amazing. They have such open and giving hearts. They never once complained about their tasks or being too tired to go on. That is true dedication and service to the Lord.

One of my favorite parts of the day was the Church On The Streets Worship Service. From the moment we walked in there were people at the alter on their knees praying. It stayed that way all the way through Praise and Worship. The alter was lined with people surrendering to the Lord! The music was amazing and you could just feel the Holy Spirit flowing through. I had tears in my eyes just knowing that everyone was on their feet, hands in the air, singing their praises to our God.

People were hungry for the music and the experience. I think we sang a minimum of 12 songs and I never wanted it to end. Time didn’t matter, the fact that we worked out in the heat all day and had little energy didn’t matter. God filled us with the energy we needed so that we could just be with him and he could love on us.

The other uplifting part of that service were the people. They were so humble and thankful to be there. Even though most of them have been in jail or prison they were grateful to just be in that place of worship and forgiveness. You could feel their pain and love all in one. They jump up as soon as their pastor calls on them and just give their testimony. Speaking out as to what they were, who they are and what God is molding them to be!!! How Great Is Our God.

-Yvonne Martinez, CCCSM Staff

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